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Never give up! Egg donation helps reaching happiness

Good blastocysts are far more precious than diamonds! If you wanna continue to collect good eggs to form good blastocysts, it will take longer. After all, the older you get, the condition of the eggs will only get worse...

I was almost 40 years old. I had not conceived after I got married for nearly a year, so I go for examinations in Taipei with my husband. In the beginning, check sperm motility, normal blood, and unobstructed fallopian tubes. When the report came out, the doctor said that the fallopian tube was not seen because the white polyps were so widespread that it could not be seen, and it was suspected that the fallopian tube was blocked. So after the fallopian tube was removed, he arranged for the fallopian tube to check up again to confirm that was unobstructed.

I went to see the doctor again the next year and told the doctor that I would like to do IVF. The doctor said that I am 40 years old and do not have a lot of ovulation. The success rate of artificial conception is 10-20%, and the success rate of IVF is 30-40%. Check the position and size of the uterus, and do smear and blood tests. Then followed my period to make an appointment for an ultrasound. At that moment, there are only 4-6 follicles. The doctor suggested us to try sexual intercourse ourselves.

After the second ultrasound, the doctor performed a per vaginal examination. The path of the uterus was too small for a tube to be inserted, and cervical dilation was arranged. It took more than 7 months to get the uterine environment in good condition and start the road of IVF.

After two consecutive test tube failures, I felt very depressed. Perhaps my body has not yet adapted to such treatment! So I decided to start taking Chinese herbal medicine to regulate my body every other year. After a one-year break, I started to discuss with my husband which hospital to go to. At first, I found another Taipei obstetrics and gynecology department to test the AMH at 2.06 and the prolactin at 38. The doctor prescribed medicine for PRL to me. Because there are so many people waiting for consultation in the obstetrics and gynecology department, it took almost half a day. A friend recommended us to make an appointment to go to Hsinchu Stork for consultation.

I perform the ultrasound of the uterus on the third day of my period. There are 3 follicles on the right and 4 follicles on the left. The doctor explained that ovulation medicine should be taken in a mild stimulating way and combined with the injection, so I started recording every day, being afraid of missing any step. In the next visit, the doctor said that the follicle should be larger than 1.4, and the egg retrieval time of women over 40 years old will be earlier. The ultrasound found out polyps then, so Hysteroscopy must be done one month before implantation. The uterine environment is important for a baby's growth.

There are 2 eggs on the first time operation. The blastocysts cultivated to the fifth day are 5BB and 5BC. They are frozen first, and then PGS will be performed after more blastocysts are collected.

Ultrasound was taken on the second day after the second menstruation. There are 3 follicles on the right, 4 follicles on the left, 3 egg retrievals (not for the smaller ones), and only 1 blastocyst on the fifth or sixth day, graded 5BB.
In the third ultrasound scan, there were 3 eggs, and only 2 of the eggs were collected this time without anesthesia. Both were mature and fertilized but failed to form a blastocyst.

Collect follicles as usual for the fourth time. According to the ultrasound results, there are 5 on the right and 3 on the left. The doctor said that we can try long-acting ovulation this time. After another five days, there were 3 ultrasounds on the right and 1 on the left. Only 3 of these 4 were blastocysts, grades 5BB, 5BB, and 5BC. The doctor advised me to take a one-month rest, so I arranged a holiday with my husband to Hualien.

Retrieve 8 eggs for the fifth time. There are 6 mature eggs, and 4 are fertilized eggs. After five days, only 1 is a blastocyst with a grade of 5BC. In order to ensure that the chromosomes are normal, PGS test was performed on 7 blastocysts collected five times. It was reported that 1 had no signal, 1 was successful, and the rest of the chromosomes were abnormal. It turned out that my egg was so weak, and it was very tight in the previous knockouts. Now the only normal blastocyst is a battle between 100% pregnancy and hopelessness.

From the first four days of menstruation, take estrogen, aspirin, lactation reduction and progesterone every day as instructed. After implantation, rest at home to prevent work pressure from affecting the mood of pregnancy. Two days before the pregnancy test, I received cordial greetings and concerns from the doctor. Is it bloating? High body temperature? Have something you really want to eat? These problems, for me who have never been pregnant, I don’t know what it feels like to be pregnant. I don’t have the symptoms that the doctor said. Of course, this implantation was declared unsuccessful on the night of the release.

After resting for one month and waiting for the implantation of a blastocyst with no signal in the next month, the hysteroscopy was performed. Fortunately, only a small amount of polyps did not affect the implantation, and no surgery was required. Unfortunately, the second implantation failed.
Good blastocysts are far more precious than diamonds! If you continue to collect good eggs to become good blastocysts, it will take longer. After all, the older you get, the condition of the eggs will only get worse. So my husband and I discussed whether we should accept eggs donation to realize our dreams? Implanting young and healthy eggs and conceiving smoothly may be a shortcut. 

In the spring of the following year, I found that my fingers were a little stiff. After I went to the hospital for blood tests, the ANA antinuclear antibody was 1:160. I took the report to the doctor. The doctor suggested seeing the rheumatoid department. After another blood test, the doctor said that ANA and ENA were abnormal. Others were at a critical value and no medication was required. However, for the purpose of pregnancy, treatment is required. The course of egg donation which with 6 blastocysts was delayed a few times. 

The so-called good things are hard to come by, the treatment that was originally expected to be done, however, the uterus was suspected of the myoma when the ultrasound was taken on the 12th day of the period. Therefore, it is necessary to do the uterine environment examination and perform fallopian tube photography, bacterial culture, polyps removal surgery. Waiting for the next menstruation.
The last bacterial culture report revealed that E. coli grows in the cervix. It is necessary to take antibiotics and then undergo two consecutive implants. After implantation, the doctor prescribed the medicines and injections, plus rheumatoid medication, it fails again.

I have not been able to conceive under the comprehensive supervision of the doctor. The doctor suggested that I should stop for a while and do aerobic exercises, exercise 3 times a week, exercise for 30 minutes each time, and keep my heart rate at 130 beats to keep my body active. So the next year I started planning to ride a bicycle with my husband on holidays, sign up for yoga classes, and walk after getting off work, so I have maintained exercise habits for most of the year.  

The body seems to be in good condition, I feel that I could start the treatment again, so I went to the clinic nine months later.

After the implantation, I was resting at home. From the seventh day on, I felt that the urine was brown, lower abdominal pain, insomnia, and other symptoms. Until the urine test, the doctor announced the second line and congratulated the pregnancy. I could not believe it was true! 
The amniocentesis, high-level ultrasound, and obstetrics all done each. However, when the high-level ultrasound was taken, it was found that the amniotic fluid was leaking. So I went to the hospital to check and confirm the amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid was supplemented twice. The fetus was taken out by emergency cesarean section. Seeing the baby's loud cry and healthy appearance is the miracle I have dreamed of in the past few years!

The process of trying being pregnant is very difficult and the time is very long. It took me five years to do seven times IVF. At one time, I want to give up, but as long as the belief is strong enough, the dream of having a child will be realized! The opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared. Thank you doctors and the Stork team for working with us for three years, and let us have a lovely baby.
Stork Fertility Center Stork Fertility Center Author

A birthday gift giving back to the future!

A Birthday gift giving back to the future!

"I make that as a birthday gift to myself. Thanks to the advanced modern medical technology, I can freeze my fertility at this age and have a hold of my future."

I did not plan to have any children at first. I enjoy the time with myself and my freedom. That was me a few years ago. But people change, especially when you are at your most vulnerable moment when you are sick. Someone in the family got sick, everyone in the family is called up to help. That's when I realized you can never have enough family members. 

This is the moment when my thought of freezing my eggs appears. Your child is not necessarily staying with you the whole life. But it is always nice knowing that you have a family that cares about you. Raising a child is not an easy task in 2020, as well as having pets or keeping myself warm. 

The thought planted in my head for so long, it finally sprouted. I turned 39 this year, is the same age that my mother gave birth to me. Time is flying. I realize that I have to take some action! I studied a lot online and found Stork Fertility Center's website. They have detailed blog posts and graphics at a glance. Suddenly I apprehend that the quality of your eggs is tile with your age.  

When I realized that I am competing with time, I started doing research comparing different hospitals and fertility centers. I finally chose Stork Fertility Center. They specialize in infertility and fertility preservation. Their treatment plan aimed at achieving "4- F". Fewer blood tests, fewer ultrasound exams, fewer injections, fewer clinic visits. That's a big attraction for me as I can not get away from work that often.

I make that as a birthday gift to myself. Thanks to the advanced modern medical technology, I can freeze my fertility at this age and have a hold of my future. Some might say that you might never use those eggs. Why bother to spend all that money on that? I think egg freezing is like time traveling. When you are planning for a family maybe five years later, you will be thankful that you made the right decision. Time is irreversible, no matter how much money you own. A word before is worth two behind.

Stork Fertility Center's team is very professional and helpful throughout the treatment. They helped me to arrange the time so that I won't have to take so many off from work. In the end, I only take one day off for surgery day. The blood tests, ultrasound, and clinic visits were all arranged at mine non-working hours. They have their application. It shows your itinerary daily by just one click on your phone. And the surgery took only 10-15 minutes. The operation room's ambiance is warming, not like any other hospital. You feel comfier with the cozy atmosphere and friendly staff. 

Egg freezing is like insurance. You will feel safer after having one. This is probably the most meaningful birthday gift that I ever had. 

Note : 

1. Stork Fertility Center offers "4-F" treatment. Fewer blood tests, fewer ultrasound exams, fewer injections, and fewer clinic visits. The treatment is done with a minimum of two clinic visits. Just like our case above, taking only one day off from work! Before anyone knows, you already finished the treatment!  

2. The case froze ten mature eggs at her first treatment. 

Doctors suggest that the number of frozen mature eggs in each age group is different. It is related to age. With higher age, comes with a higher chromosome abnormal rate. Egg freeze treatment is suggested before age 35. The pregnancy rate and live-birth rate are relatively better. 

3.The recommended number of mature eggs for cryopreservation for bringing a baby home at different ages is as follows:


35 or below




Number of mature eggs





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Stork Fertility Center Stork Fertility Center Author

Causes and treatments of infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss


Infertility is still a problem with a high prevalence rate in the world at the moment. Infertility affects about 8-12% of couples at reproductive age, and even affects up to 30% of the population in some areas. Statistics show that among married women, the incidence of primary infertility varies in women at different ages. For 15-34 years old women is about 7.3-9.1%, 35-39 years old about 25%, and 40-44 years old is about 30%.


There are many causes of infertility, among which male factors account for about 26%; female abnormal ovulation functions account for 21%, fallopian tube problems account for 14%, endometriosis accounts for 6%, dyspareunia account for 6%, cervix problems account for 3% and other unknown causes account for 28%.


Clinical statistics show that approximate 15-25% of women have experienced miscarriage. Most of the miscarriages occurred before 10 weeks of pregnancy, mainly due to chromosomal abnormality. However, "Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)” is a different disease. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss is defined as having more than two miscarriages. Among them, about 5% of women have experienced miscarriages two times, and only 1% have experienced more than three times.


There are many causes of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, including genes, age, antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), thrombophilias, hormone or metabolic disease, infection, autoimmunity, sperm quality, lifestyle and other issues. Here we mainly include three articles with representative clinical treatment guidelines (2017 European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, ESHRE; 2013 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, ASRM; and 2011 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, RCOG) to integrate and discuss factors and treatment guidelines of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.

ESHRE 2017

Risk Factors

 female age, anatomy, antiphospholipid syndrome, embryo, endocrine, gene, life style

Related Treatments

Life style

Healthy diet, quit smoking and alcohol

Balanced translocation

Genetic counseling

Consider In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic screening(PGS).


No further treatment suggested, unless sufficient evidence provided.

Immunity/Antiphospholipid syndrome

Low-dose aspirin (75-100mg per day): before getting pregnant

Prophylactic heparin treatment: after positive pregnancy test


Hyperthyroidism: external thyroxine supplement (Eltroxin tablets)

Vitamin D Supplement

Hyperprolactinemia: medication for lowering prolactin (Bromocriptine)


Insufficient evidence for any treatment

Unexplained recurrent miscarriage

No further treatment suggested

Further follow-up

Supportive therapy

ASRM 2013

Risk Factors

 anatomy, antiphospholipid syndrome, embryo, endocrine, gene, life style, hereditary thrombotic disease

Related Treatments

Life style


Balanced translocation

・Genetic counseling

・Consider In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic screening(PGS).



Immunity/Antiphospholipid syndrome

・Low-dose aspirin

・Prophylactic heparin treatment: after positive pregnancy test


Treatment for abnormal thyroid function, diabetes and hyperprolactinemia


Consider surgery

Unexplained recurrent miscarriage

Tender and loving cares, and emphasize that the successful rate of pregnancy is about 50-60%

Further follow-up

Tender and loving cares.

Psychological counseling if necessary.

RCOG 2012

Risk Factors

 female age, anatomy, antiphospholipid syndrome, embryo, endocrine, gene, immunity, life style, thrombosis

Related Treatments

Life style


Balanced translocation

・Genetic counseling

・Consider In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic screening(PGS).



Immunity/Antiphospholipid syndrome

・Low-dose aspirin

・Prophylactic heparin treatment: after positive pregnancy test


Insufficient evidence for any treatment


Insufficient evidence for any treatment

Unexplained recurrent miscarriage

Supportive therapy

Further follow-up



Infertility patients with recurrent pregnancy loss have always been a huge challenge in the field of reproductive medicine. Experts have been finding the factors that may cause recurrent pregnancy loss, and actively want to increase the success rate of pregnancy. Among the factors, thrombosis and autoimmunity are two important factors of infertility. We now pursue evidence-based medicine and require evidence in every decision making, however each patient is an independent individual.


Under evidence-based and precision medicine, how should we strike a balance to find out the real causes of each infertility patient and seek the best treatment strategy?


Facing each client's condition cautiously, actively observing the treatment process, finding the best treatment policy and humbly consulting experts in various fields are the directions we strive for. Only in this way can we have the chance to break through the dilemma of reproductive medicine.


Stork Fertility Center Stork Fertility Center Author

Freeze the moment of the greatest beauty. When is the best timeing?

More and more women seek the help of oocyte freezing as the technology behind oocyte freezing is also getting better and better. Finding the right time of ooctye freezing is one of the crucial factor of higher post-thaw rate of frozen oocytes.

Oocytes are extremely delicate cells. During the process of Vitrofication, to avoid causing damage of the organelles, cell membrane and spindle, the osmotic pressure and temperature are required to be maintain.

Besides, freeing the oocytes at the correct timing not only can avoid harming the spindle but also enhance the survival rate of thawed oocytes. As oocytes freezing becomes a popular option for single unmarried women, embryologists are also eager to know the “tips” regarding the usage of needle and protocol.

In 2019 conference of Taiwanese Society for Reproductive medicine, a reproductive center reported there result of thawing oocytes of 63 clients from 2018 June to 2019 February.

Their research focused on the following factors which might affect the outcome of oocytes thawing:

1. Age

2. Time from trigger of ovulation to oocytes freezing

3. Appearance of the oocytes during the process of temperature balancing.

4. Duration of temperature balancing.


The total number of thawed oocytes from 63 clients is 463. They grouped their clients into 3 groups according their age. The result shows that the difference of post-thaw survival rate of each group has no statistic difference.

Table 1. Post-thaw Survival Rate in Different Group of Age


Number of thawed oocytes

Number of survived oocytes

Survival rate(%)

P value





No difference





No difference





No difference





No difference

Time from trigger of ovulation to oocytes freezing

To understand if the duration from trigger to oocytes freezing would affect the result of survival rate, they separate the results into 4 groups including <38 hours, 38-39 hours, >39 hours and in vitro maturation (IVM). The result shows that the survival rate of mature oocytes is about 97-100%, and has no difference in different time groups. However, if the oocytes haven’t matured when retrieved, the survival rate with decrease to 71.43%.

Figure 2. Post-thaw Survival Rate in Different Group of duration from trigger to oocytes freezing.

Appearance of the oocytes during the process of temperature balancing

The purpose of temperature balancing is to enforce the exchange between water molecule and cryoprotectant, which can avoid the formation of ice crystal during the process of sudden temperature drop. The ice crystal might harm the oocytes and further affect the survival rate. When the oocytes encounter the cryoprotectant with higher osmoic pressure, the oocytes will shrink and become 3 different formations as shown in Figure 3. The 3 different formations are shrinking to a ball shape(A), shrinking to a wavy shape(B) and irregular shrinking(C). According to the previous research, A is consider the oocytes with better quality.

However, the statistic shows that, there are no significant difference in 3 groups, which also imply that other factors might acquire to take into concern.

Figure 3. Appearance of the Oocyte During the Process of Temperature Balancing

Table 4Post-that survival rate according to the appearance during the process of temperature balancing.

Appearance of the oocytes




Survival rate(%)




Duration of temperature balancing

Embryologists can justify if the water molecule has exchanged completely or not by observing the appearance of oocytes during the temperature balancing. After the oocytes re-swollen, dehydration and freezing process could be proceeded. The standard of re-swollen time is around 12-15 minutes. Although the time of re-swollen might be shorter in realistic, the time of re-swollen is not affective to the post-survival rate also.

Figure 3. Survival rate of different duration of temperature balancing.

Coincidentally, Stork Fertility Center also published a similar research in 2019 ASPIRE. However, our result is slightly different from the previous research. Our subject is to determine whether the time of oocytes freezing is relevant to the pregnancy rate when using GnRH as the trigger. We back tracked 396 cycles and 7224 oocytes from our oocyte recipient program in 2017 Oct to 2018 Oct. 3313 out of 7224 oocytes were frozen 38 hours after trigger. 3911 oocytes were frozen over 40 hours.

As shown below, the outcome of using oocytes frozen 38 hours after trigger are slightly better. The benefits are shown especially in survival rate and good blastocyst rate with significant difference.

We also further compare the conception outcome by using two group of oocytes. The result shows that the pregnancy rate and the implantation rate are not relevant to the time from trigger to oocyte freezing, which indicates that there’s no need to underestimate the potential of the blastocyst no mater it’s from which kinds of oocytes.

Oocyte freezing service is one of the greatest promise we made for our clients. Therefore, we always discretely preserve the precious oocytes of our clients. For higher age, diminished ovarian reserve and lower oocytes mature rate clients, we will check the spindle additionally before freezing the oocytes.


Stork Fertility Center Stork Fertility Center Author