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If I still have my periods, can I be pregnant?

"If I still have my periods, can I be pregnant?"

It is a common question at fertility centers. The specialist clarified that having periods does not mean having ovulations. Many women with advanced age thought that having periods equals to having potential to be pregnant. The fact is that older the age is, worse the egg quality is. That is why the women with advanced maternal age are harder to be pregnant.

Stork Fertility Center Stork Fertility Center Author

Hyaluronan(HA) binding assay: a good matchmaker to sperm

For in-vitro fertilization, the oocytes attract the sperms with better maturation status by hyaluronic acid of the surrounding cumulus cells.

In the 2016 annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Reproductive Medicine, Dr. Dionisios Sakkas from Boston IVF center, US, shared his experiences in semen processing and sperm selection,

1. Density:Gradient separation 

2. Surface Charge:Electrophoresis 

4. Motility Characteristics: Microfluidics

5. Membrane Integrity:Hyaluronan(HA)-binding

6. Surgical:MESA/TESE 

Stork Fertility Center Stork Fertility Center Author